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The Pinnacle of Success is Winning with Your Team

Name: Andrew
Pronouns: he/him
Title: Manager Software Engineering
Location: Farnborough, UK

My personal brand

My personal brand is: be your true self and bring everything you are. Don’t be counterfeit or impersonate, and remember vulnerabilities are a strength. Imposter syndrome and second guessing can manifest within you and cause anxiety and self-doubt.


My journey

As a child who grew up in the 80s and loved being outdoors, I always wanted to pursue a career in the military. The sense of adventure and traveling was a natural pull for me. I joined and ended up serving for over 20 years, strongly committing to the six values of the British Army: courage, discipline, respect for others, integrity, loyalty, and selfless commitment.

I witnessed a lot of diverse cultures and communities at both peace and war during my service. These experiences instilled a solid sense of composure and maturity in me, and I have been able to lean on them both professionally and personally.

After leaving the British Military, my first gig was working in the City of London within the financial services sector. Keen to make an impression and excel, I started to behave unlike my true self. My personality changed, and I soon felt like a different person who had a fear of not living up to expectations. What eventually brought me back was my family and friends, who grounded me and helped me learn to balance professional development and staying true to myself.

I now work in Business Technology at Discover’s Farnborough, UK location as a Software Engineering Manager. Every day, I lean into the values and transferrable skills from the military. To me, nothing is more important than the team, having trust and integrity, and a safe environment to operate in. These things are fundamental to delivering success at any level. I find fulfillment working alongside dedicated and talented people who are delivering a modern globalized Settlement platform.


The advice I live by is—be kind to yourself and manage your own expectations, and don’t take on the world. Everyone needs a buddy. Cherish your friends and family and be there for those who matter most to you. Individual achievement and success are fantastic, but gaining both as part of a team is the pinnacle.

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