Resume Tips From Discover
Having an exceptional resume is critical to landing your next job. If you want to be in the best possible position to get in front of a hiring manager for a role, crafting a thoughtful and well-written resume to showcase your skills is the first important step.
Follow these resume tips to create a resume that highlights your unique talents and the accomplishments you’ve achieved in your career so far.
Follow a Template – The easiest way to begin writing your resume is to use a template that allows for the right customization based on your background, skills and expertise. The internet has countless templates for you to choose from. When you’re searching, we recommend looking for the appropriate template for your employment situation so as to help you maximize your strengths and your accomplishments.
Choose a Format & Font – You may choose to use a format that’s targeted, chronological, functional, or a combination of the three. Our preferred format at Discover is chronological as it allows a recruiter to easily scroll through your career history. When you begin to build out your work experience, bold your job titles and be sure to prioritize the content under each role you’ve held with the most important and relevant experiences listed first. Pick a simple font that is easy to read, such as Arial or Calibri. Having a consistent font and size (preferably no smaller than 11pt) will be easier on the reader and make your resume look organized.
Accomplishments Demonstrate Value – Listing your experience is necessary, but make sure you’re embedding your accomplishments within the content to show how you’ve used your skills to achieve great things. Quantify accomplishments, where you can, to show the value you will bring to your potential employer.
Include a Summary, Keywords & Contact Info – Resume summaries are your opportunity to summarize your background and expertise with quick hits while also sharing your future ambitions. Adding keywords that are relevant to your desired role or industry can increase the chances of you being selected for an interview. Recruiters screen for these so make sure they’re prominent and you will stand out. Don’t forget to provide your phone and email contact information clearly at the top of your resume!
Leave White Space – Make Sure the Margins are at Least 0.5 to avoid cramming too much text onto a page. Allowing for enough white space is easier on the eye and won’t make it difficult for a recruiter or manager to digest the information.
Properly Save & Send Your Resume – Save your resume as a word document on your computer and then convert to PDF for polish before you use it in any applications.
These tips will give you the expertise you need to write a successful resume. Good luck in your job search!